Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's been almost a month since I've written. Sick germs invaded our house and we passed them around from one person to another for weeks, but FINALLY we are all well at the same time. Sadly enough, my "new thing" experiment was forced to go into hibernation while the case of the sick blahs took over, but it's time to resurrect. It's so easy to lose sight of life-changing revelation when you're not actively walking it out every day. It's exciting to embrace a new truth or idea when the flashy sparkle is still on the revelation, but when the glamor fades, somehow we forget how important the truth was and we're back to our old ways. That's when it's hard to choose to walk something out. I'm learning that there is really an enemy who prowls around like a lion searching for new revelation to devour. But I really believe that this whole attempt to cultivate wonder is something the Lord wants to fight for in my life and in our lives.

My mom said something yesterday that changed how I look at every day. We were talking about life and how sometimes we just accept that there are seasons of dry spells where dullness takes over and everything seems lifeless. She said, "You know, God has a river that never stops flowing. His mercies are new every day." He doesn't stop flowing, but somehow we stop receiving. There is not a day that goes by where we can't draw from the continual stream of life flowing from Him. We are swimming in that River that never stops flowing. We are connected to that vine that never stops giving life. We are plugged in to the socket of Heaven that never has a power outage. There isn't a day that goes by where we can't experience the wonder of who He is and who we are in Him and in the earth. I'm the only one who limits my experience.

All of this is to say that I feel like the Lord gave me this experiment to break out of the regular patterns of life that have a hold on me. To show me there is more than we can ask or imagine. To give courage to try new things and break off fear of failure. To realize that He is limitless. And really just to have fun. God is so fun, and we hardly ever recognize it. I'm so ready to have fun. So here I go again. I'm trying something new every day from now till the end of the year. Anybody want to join me?